Here I am getting home at about 2am from a pretty fun day. I didn't do a nanosecond worth of work today. Spend most of the afternoon in Santa Monica near the pier having a few beverages and eating and listening to the street, or should I say, the pier performers. They were great!
My friend Kevin finally got off his wallet and bought a motor home. He called and I gave him a ride to pick up his truck (he drove the motor home to his house.) We then went to a bar in Tustin and had a beer and my girlfriend met us there. Had a couple more beers and then home I came.
I will never understand the female mind, and particularly, the mind of females that are my age or older. I have just about arrived at the conclusion that women are inferior simply because they can’t seem to control their emotions. Perhaps it is a hormonal imbalance thing? Or perhaps it is more fundamental?
Got home and read a great
Yahoo News article. At last, the judiciary is starting to speak out against the silly and expensive and draconian sentencing guidelines that exist at the Federal level today mostly relating to the war on drugs. I hope that one day we as a society can agree that the solution to all societal problems isn’t with writing and enforcing laws. I will never forget growing up in West Virginia and having speakers come to our elementary and middle schools speaking about how the USSR was so evil because their government locked up many of their citizens. How times have changed.
We have serious problems: our State government is running a multi-billion dollar structural deficit; our Federal government is running a deficit of nearly half a trillion dollars. The liberals cry about health care and education and the absolute necessity of maintaining social programs. It is nearly incomprehensible the waste in terms of dollars and lives that the madness associated with the ‘war on drugs’ is costing us. When will it end?!