Sunday, July 25, 2004

Here is an update on the presidential election  It looks like Kerry is doing better and hopefully this can continue.

I am over it.  No more sad feeling.  I know see the change that had to take place as inevitable and good for all parties.  For me not to see the necessity of change is for me to deny reality.  What did I learn from the "love" ordeal?  No much.  I have come to understand that it is impossible to teach a pig to sing and trying does nothing other than waste my time and annoy the pig. 

So life goes on.  I now have an opportunity to focus on my work and making money.  And of course, on having fun.


Monday, July 12, 2004

I am still sad but not as much. Maybe time is the great healer?

If I were a woman and were as poor as a church mouse, and a guy asked me to do three simple things, and I thought that doing those things would give me a sense of financial security - I would do the three simple things. But what do I know? Apparantly not much.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

I am sad.

Joy and I agreed to end our relationship Friday evening. Again, I failed to change a life and may have done more harm than good. Sometimes I think I should return to West Virginia and live in isolation where I can't hurt more people.

And then I come to my senses and realize that failure is always a realistic option when one tries. So I shall continue to try and hopefully next time I will do better. That's all I can do.

But it still hurts and I suspect this one will hurt for a long time. It will be a long while before I get involved again. Maybe it is better to have never loved than to go through the pain.

When will the pain end?

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Last weekend was a trip to the Vegas. It was a pretty good Fourth party by the pool at the Stratosphere. Nothing really exciting to write about. Joy accompanied me.

In Westlake Village yesterday working. Traffic sucks in southern california.

Still working too hard and not playing enough.